Statistical modelling and informatics
The focus here is on the application of statistical methods to modelling and on techniques to analyse data.
Statistical Modelling
Manchester Informatics is focussed on just these kinds of problems, with applications including Data science, Digital Health and Smart Cities. Digital Health, for example, will involve research on probabilistic modelling and Bayesian methodology with applications involving large-scale data from high-throughout molecular biology assays.
Continuing this theme, the Bio-Health Informatics (BHI) group in the Department of Computer Science combines biological and genetic information with clinical data and computer information systems. Their work optimises the use of data, information, and knowledge across molecular biology, clinical e-science and health care.
In the Department of Mathematics, statistical methods are developed and used to investigate a wide variety of topics. The group, focussed on statistics and its application, is interested in developing novel statistical methodology for complex data, particularly arising in biology, finance, environment and medicine. They also run a statistical consultancy services for University colleagues, as well as local practitioners.